The Army of Georland

The Army of Georland

Thursday, 21 November 2013

VIII Epoch - Kaiserlich War

With the remaining division of the guard + a few line battalions H.I.M. embarked at Tilopa Jan 19th + arrived off Swartzburg on the 20th. Kaiserlich being in a totally defenceless state the Kaiser reluctantly signed the treaty of Swartzburg from 21st hoping to regain the ceded territory. H.I.M. leaving forces in possession of Swartzburg + Meritel returned to Routsbach. The Guards (with the exception of the Scotch Fusilier Guards, which garrisoned Ardel) went on to Georland with the division from Ardel under Major General Drouot. The day after the treaty of Swartzburg before it was known, Brigadier general Ernest with the 91st + 92nd Foot depot battalions captured Nadzem by a night surprise altho’ garrisoned by 40 men.

The 91st were eager to avenge their disaster at Desundra + they carried the place at the point of the bayonet losing 2 men wounded only. Large quantities of stores ordnance ammunition etc. were captured with 11 prisoners. H.I.M. now incorporated his captured province + organised them as one kingdom which he called Tertsche after the old kingdom that ruled Hocosia so long. This pleased the people and on the 5th of February 1874 he crowned himself Hershcal of Tertsche, and immediately left for Georgetown after appointing BG Ernest Governor General of Tertsche, + Baron Routsbach: Lt Genl Mercury Baron Nukhelhunder, Viscount Faschel and Major General Drouot Baron Fiskin.

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